Welcome to our new members – and plea to renew with the right subscription

Welcome to seven new members. The latest “recruits” to the Society bring the total membership to 511.

However, there are a number of members, who have overlooked their renewal of the annual subscription due from June. It would greatly assist our membership secretary Nick Wiggin if they attend to the arrears.

Further, some members are  paying the old rate of subscription by annual standing orders. Again, please check with your bank that you are paying at least a minimum £20pa. At present, there are 29 members paying the old rate, £10 pa or less.

Given the rise in postage and printing costs for the quarterly magazine, it would greatly help the Society if the right amount was paid. Incidentally, there are 17 parochial church councils paying a nominal amount but many others contribute at least £20pa. One even pays £100 pa.

With the increasing popularity of online banking, it is possible to pay direct to the Society’s account – Round Tower Churches Society. Sort code 53 81 16. Account 04331915. Use name/ membership number as pay reference and email the membership secretary.

It is always pleasing to thank many members for paying more than the minimum. In the latest report to the Society’s committee meeting in early September, held at St Michael’s Church, Stockton, Mr Wiggin said that several members have added generous donations with their subscription renewals – one even included a £1,000 cheque.